姓 名 郑克晴 性 别
出生年月 1989年10月 籍贯 山东滕州市
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 九三
最后学历 博士研究生毕业 最后学位 工学博士
技术职称 副教授 导师类别 硕导
行政职务 Email keqingzheng@126.com
工作单位 电气与动力工程学院 邮政编码
通讯地址 南湖校区计算机楼B228

郑克晴,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2016年毕业于香港理工大学,获得机械工程博士学位。博士期间,曾作为访问学者前往美国佐治亚理工学院交流访学,博士论文获香港理工大学CIBSC年度最佳毕业论文竞赛奖。2016年,分别于香港大学和香港理工大学担任research associate和research fellow,2016年7月,加入中国矿业大学电力学院。2018年,入选江苏省双创博士。2021年,获得江苏省高等学校科学技术奖二等奖。2022年,入选江苏省科技副总。作为项目负责人和主要参与人参加国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金青年基金、中国博士后科学基金、江苏省产学研合作项目、江苏省自然科学基金等多项科研项目,发表SCI论文50余篇,授权专利10余项。主要研究方向包括:固体氧化物燃料电池多孔电极微结构重构与演变、燃料电池堆热管理技术、燃料电池系统关键零部件研发、基于燃料电池的冷/热/电多联产系统等。








  1. 中国矿业大学青年科技基金,固体氧化物燃料电池预热过程传热分析与结构破坏机理研究,2023/01-2024/12,负责人
  2. 江苏省产学研合作项目,固体氧化物燃料电池系统关键零部件研发,2022/03-2024/02,负责人
  3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于多孔电极复杂微结构的固体氧化物燃料电池热循环稳定性研究,2019/01-2021/12,负责人
  4. 第63批中国博士后科学基金面上项目,固体氧化物燃料电池热循环过程中的结构稳定性研究,2018/01-2019/12,负责人
  5. 中国矿业大学“2017学科前沿科学研究专项”,基于LBM的固体氧化物燃料电池多物理场耦合模拟,2017/01-2019/12,负责人
  6. 中国矿业大学青年教师第九批“启航计划”项目,固体氧化物燃料电池建模与性能仿真,2016/09-2018/09,负责人
  7. 企业项目:多种应用场景的固体氧化物电解堆和系统仿真与性能快速预测方法,2024/03-2026/02,负责人
  8. 企业项目:固体氧化物燃料电池堆进气歧管优化,2023/07-2023/12,负责人
  9. 企业项目:平板式中温固体氧化物燃料电池堆模拟与优化,2021/01-2023/12,负责人
  10. 企业项目:SOFC SOEC 25kW系统集成概念设计技术咨询,2019/12-2020/12,负责人
  11. 国家重点研发计划课题项目,跨尺度微纳结构构筑的高性能长寿命单电池的制备及优化,2021/12- 2025/11,项目骨干
  12. 国家重点研发计划国际合作项目,乙醇燃料电池增程无人机动力系统的关键技术研究,2021/6-2024/6,项目骨干
  13. 国家重点研发计划课题项目,电堆测试装备开发及老化评价技术,2019/04/01-2022/03/31,项目骨干
  14. 中国矿业大学双一流建设专项,低碳化利用与零排放,2018/01-2020/12,主要参与人


  1. Q. XU, Y.J. XIE, Y.G. HUANG, X.Y. LI, H.C. HUANG, S.Y. BEI, H.K WANG, K.Q. ZHENG*, X.C. WANG*, L. LI*, Enhancement of thermal management for cylindrical battery module based on a novel wrench-shaped design for the cold plate. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2023, 59, 103421.
  2. L. LI, Q. XU*, Y.J. XIE, X.C. WANG, K. Zhu, K.Q. ZHENG*, X.Y. LI, H.C. HUANG, Y.G. HUANG, S.Y. BEI, Narrow middle channel design in counter-flow microfluidic fuel cell with flow-through electrodes. Energy, 2023, 129790.
  3. Y.J. XIE, L. LI*, Q. XU*, X.Y. LI, H.C. HUANG, Y.G. HUANG, S.Y. BEI, L.C. ZHANG, K.Q. ZHENG*, Effects of module size on the heat dissipation performance of the thermal management system for the battery module with cylindrical cells. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 121958.
  4. S.L. WEI, K.Q. ZHENG, Y.T. YAN, W.Q. LIU, P.Y. BAI, S.R. WANG*, L. XU*, Optimizing fuel transport and distribution in gradient channel anode of solid oxide fuel cell. Chemical Engineering Science, 2023, 119558.
  5. Z. LI, I. T. BELLO, C. WANG, N. YU, X. CHEN, K.Q. ZHENG*, M. NI*, Revealing interactions between the operating parameters of protonic ceramic electrolysis cell: A modelling study. Applied Energy, 2023, 351, 121886.
  6. S. SHAN, L. LI*, Q. XU, L. LING, Y.J XIE, H.K. WANG, K.Q ZHENG, L.C ZHANG, S.Y. BEI, Numerical investigation of a compact and lightweight thermal management system with axially mounted cooling tubes for cylindrical lithium-ion battery module, Energy, 2023, 274: 127410.
  7. L. LI, L. LING, Y.J XIE, W.C. ZHOU, T.B. WANG, L.C. ZHANG, S.Y. BEI, K.Q. ZHENG*, Q. XU*, Comparative study of thermal management systems with different cooling structures for cylindrical battery modules: Side-cooling vs. terminal-cooling, Energy, 2023, 274: 127414.
  8. L. LING, L. LI*, Y.J XIE, T.B. WANG, K.Q ZHENG, S. SHAN, L.C. ZHANG, S.Y. BEI, Q. XU, Optimal Design of Minichannel Cold Plate for the Thermal Management of Cylindrical Battery Modules, Energy Technology, 2023, 11 (4), 2201484.
  9. K.Q. ZHENG, Y.T. YAN, Y. SUN, J. YANG, M. ZHU, M. NI*, L. LI*, An experimental study of ammonia decomposition rates over cheap metal catalysts for solid oxide fuel cell anode. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023.
  10. J.H. ZHANG*, H.D. GUO, L.B. LEI, S.L. SHEN, K.Q. ZHENG, M.F. HAN*. The influence of step potentials upon defect equilibria and defect concentrations inside solid oxide fuel cells. Materials Science and Engineering: B, 2023, 289: 116274.
  11. J.H. ZHANG*, H.D. GUO, L.B. LEI, S.L. SHEN, K.Q. ZHENG, M.F. HAN*. Experimental investigation of fuel starvation on industrial-sized solid oxide fuel cells using segmented cathodes and area specific resistances. Journal of Power Sources, 2023, 562: 232725.
  12. L. LI, L. LING, Y.J. XIE, S. SHAN, S.Y. BEI, K.Q. ZHENG* & Q. XU*. Counter-flow microfluidic fuel cell with trapezoidal electrodes. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2023, 56, 103005.
  13. L. LI, H.K. WANG, S.Y. BEI, Y.J. LI, Y.Y. SUN, K.Q. ZHENG* & Q. XU*. Unsymmetrical design and operation in counter-flow microfluidic fuel cell: A prospective study. Energy, 2023, 262, 125581.
  14. H.G. WANG, Y.M. TANG, M. LIU, S. ZHU, K.Q. ZHENG, X.P. DU*. Experimental study on heat transfer performance of axially rotating heat pipe in steady state, International Journal of Thermal Sciences,2023, 184, 107975.
  15. 郑克晴,孙亚,闫阳天,李丽,杨钧*,一种热电协同增强的固体氧化物燃料电池新型连接件的数值模拟,化工学报,2022。
  16. 申双林,卓小玲,郑克晴,凌意翰,王绍荣*,催化层网格密度对固体氧化物燃料电池模拟结果影响研究,陶瓷学报,2022, 43(5), 889-898.
  17. 申双林,张小坤,万兴文,郑克晴,凌意翰,王绍荣*,固体氧化物燃料电池温升模拟中入口异常高温度梯度研究,物理学报,2022, 71(16) , 164401.
  18. L. LI, Y.J. XIE, S. SHAN, L. LING, S.Y. BEI, K.Q. ZHENG* & Q. XU*. Optimal design of reactant delivery system in microfluidic fuel cell with porous electrodes. International Journal of Energy Research, 2022, 46(11), 15535-15546.
  19. L. LI, L. LING, Y.J. XIE, S. SHAN, S.Y. BEI, Y.Y. SUN, K.Q. ZHENG* & Q. XU*. Achieving high fuel utilization for microfluidic fuel cell under high flow rate operation. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2022, 54, 102869.
  20. L. LI, Y. HE, Q. XU, T. LIU, S.Y. BEI, K.Q. ZHENG, J. YANG, H.K. WANG*, M.K.H. LEUNG*. A paper-based self-pumping microfluidic fuel cell stack with a novel vertical structure. International Journal of Energy Research, 2022,46(6), 8389-8397.
  21. Q.D. XU, M.T. GUO, L.C. XIA, Z. LI, Q.J. HE, D.Q. ZHAO, K.Q. ZHENG*, M. NI*. Temperature gradient analyses of a tubular solid oxide fuel cell fueled by methanol. Transactions of Tianjin University, 2022, 1-17.
  22. L. LI, L. LING, S. SHAN, Y.J. XIE, L.C. ZHANG, B.Y. HAN, S.Y. BEI, K.Q. ZHENG*, Q. XU*. In-depth analysis of electrochemical reaction rate distribution in microfluidic fuel cell with flow‐through electrodes. Energy Technology, 2022.
  23. Q.D. XU, Z.J. GUO, L.C. XIA, Z. Li, I.T. BELLO, K.Q. ZHENG*, M. NI*, Q.J. HE. A comprehensive review of solid oxide fuel cells operating on various promising alternative fuels. Energy Conversion and Management, 2022, 253, 115175. (入选2022年高被引论文,2023年高被引+热点论文)
  24. T. LI, Y. YANG, X.X. WANG*, K.Q. ZHENG, S.L. SHEN, X.M. OU, B. LIN, P.Z. FENG, S.R. WANG, Y.H. LING*. Enhance coking tolerance of high-performance direct carbon dioxide-methane solid oxide fuel cells with an additional internal reforming catalyst. Journal of Power Sources, 2021, 512: 230533.
  25. H. NI, Y. YANG, Y.F. TIAN, X.X. WANG, S.L. SHEN, K.Q. ZHENG, M. KHAN, S.R. WANG, Y.H. LING*. Novel dual-phase symmetrical electrode materials for protonic ceramic fuel cells. Journal of Materials Science, 2021, 56.35: 19651-19662.
  26. Z.K. MA, Z. SONG, X.X. WANG, X.M. OU, K.Q. ZHENG, L.T. GUO, P.Z. FENG, S.R. WANG, F.B. ZHOU, Y.H. LING*. Numerical study on the electron-blocking mechanism of ceria-related composite electrolytes considering mixed conductivities of free electron, oxygen ion, and proton. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2019, 2.5: 3142-3150.
  27. H. CHEN, H. ZHU, S.L. SHEN, K.Q. ZHENG, Y.H. LING, S.R. WANG, X.X. WANG*. Numerical study on charge transport and electrochemical performance of Gd and Pr co-doped ceria-based solid oxide fuel cells free from internal shorting. Ionics, 2022, 1-8.
  28. M. LIU, B.L. ZHANG, K.Q. ZHENG, X.P. DU, H.G. WANG*, Numerical study on regenerative effectiveness of parallel-plate regenerator for Stirling engine, International Journal of Green Energy, 2021.
  29. K.Q. ZHENG*, Y. YUE, B.W. CAI, S.L. SHEN, L. LI, J.L. LU. Feasibility analysis of applying Taguchi method to fuel cell simulation. International Journal of Energy Research, 2021:1-5.
  30. L. LI, Q. XU, H. K. WANG, S.Y. BEI, S.L. SHEN, Y. HE, Y. ZHENG, X.C. WANG, K.Q. ZHENG*. Boost performance of porous electrode for microfluidic fuel cells: electrochemical modification or structure optimization, International Journal of Energy Research, 2021:1-11.
  31. S.L. SHEN*, X.K. ZHANG, K.Q. ZHENG, Y.H. LING & S.R. WANG. Wall-function method used to simplify the solid oxide fuel cell model, Journal of Power Sources, 2021, 510, 230396.
  32. K.Q. ZHENG*, Y. SUN, S.L. SHEN, L. LI*, & S.R. WANG. A novel cooler for the thermal management of solid oxide fuel cell stack, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2021, 48,101564.
  33. L.C. XIA, M. NI*, Y.W. DAI, K.Q. ZHENG* & M.X. LI. Numerical study of triple-phase boundary length in high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell, International Journal of Energy Research, 2021.
  34. L.C. XIA, M. NI*, Q.D. XU, H.R. XU & K.Q. ZHENG*. Optimization of catalyst layer thickness for achieving high performance and low cost of high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell, Applied Energy, 294, 117012.
  35. K.Q. ZHENG, L. LI*, S.L. SHEN, & S.R. WANG. The tortuosity factor effect on solid oxide fuel cell performance, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 2020, 38C, 100681.
  36. K.Q. ZHENG, Y. KUANG, Z.H. RAO, & S.L. SHEN*. Numerical study on the effect of bi-polar plate geometry in the SOFC heating-up process. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2019, 11(1), 014301.
  37. L. LI*, S.Y. BEI, R.R LIU, Q. XU, K.Q. ZHENG, Y.Y. SHE, Y. HE, Design of a radial vanadium redox microfluidic fuel cell: A new way to break the size limitation, International Journal of Energy Research, 2019, 43(7), 3028-3037.
  38. S.L. SHEN*, Z.X. WANG, Y. LIU, Q. ZHANG & K.Q. ZHENG*. A new experimental method to estimate the leakage current in the solid oxide fuel cell with a mixed ionic and electronic conducting electrolyte. Journal of Power Sources, 2018, 406, 88-95.
  39. K.Q. ZHENG, K.C. XIE, L. LI, S.L. SHEN*, & S.R. WANG. Numerical modeling and parametric analysis of solid oxide fuel cell button cell testing process, International Journal of Energy Research, 2018, 43(7), 2635-2642.
  40. K.Q. ZHENG, & S.L. SHEN*. The microstructure effect on ion conduction in composite electrolyte. International Journal of Energy Research,2018,42(13),4229-4234.
  41. S.L. SHEN*, Y. KUANG, K.Q. ZHENG, Q.Y. GAO. A 2D model for solid oxide fuel cell with a mixed ionic and electronic conducting electrolyte, Solid State Ionics, 2018, 315, 44-51.
  42. L. LI, S.Y. BEI, Q. XU, K.Q. ZHENG*, & Y. ZHENG. Role of electrical resistance and geometry of porous electrodes in the performance of microfluidic fuel cells. International Journal of Energy Research, 2018, 42(3), 1277-1286.
  43. L. LI, W.G. FAN, J. XUAN, M.K.H. LEUNG*, K.Q. ZHENG, Y.Y. SHE, Optimal design of current collectors for microfluidic fuel cell with flow-through porous electrodes: Model and experiment, Applied Energy, 2017, 206, 413-424.
  44. L. LI, W.G. FAN, J. XUAN, M.K.H. LEUNG*, K.Q. ZHENG, Y.Y. SHE, Design Principles of Current Collectors in Microfluidic Fuel Cell with Flow-through Porous Electrodes, Energy Procedia, 2017, 105, 1557-1563.
  45. K.Q. ZHENG, M.NI*. Reconstruction of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electrode Microstructure and Analysis of Its Effective Conductivity. Science Bulletin, 2016, 61(1):78-85.
  46. K.Q. ZHENG, Y. X. ZHANG, L. LI, M. NI*. On the Tortuosity Factor of Solid Phase in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electrodes. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015, 40(1): 665-669.
  47. L. LI, K.Q. ZHENG, M. NI, Michael K.H. Leung*. Partial Modification of Flow-through Porous Electrodes in Microfluidic Fuel Cell. Energy, 2015, 88: 563-571.
  48. K.Q. ZHENG, L. Li, M. NI*. Investigation of the Electrochemical Active Thickness of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anode, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(24): 12904-12912.
  49. Q. SUN, K.Q. ZHENG, M. NI*. Thermodynamic Analysis of Methane-fueled Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Considering CO Electrochemical Oxidation. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2014, 22(9): 1033-1037.
  50. K.Q. ZHENG, Q. SUN, M. NI*. Local Thermal Non-Equilibrium Effect in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with Various Fuels, Energy Technology. 2013, (1): 35-41.
  51. K.Q. ZHENG, M. NI*, Q SUN, L.Y. SHEN. Mathematical Analysis of SOFC Based on Co-ionic-conducting Electrolyte, Acta Mechanica Sinica. 2013, 29(3): 388-394.
  52. X.J. ZHANG, K.Q. ZHENG, L.S. WANG, W. WANG, M. JIANG, S.Y. ZHAO. Analysis of Ice Slurry Production by Direct Contact Heat Transfer of Air and Water Solution, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A. 2013, 14(8): 583-588.
  53. 张学军*,郑克晴,田新建,邱利民。直接接触式冰浆生成器参数分析及设计要点,浙江大学学报(工学版),2011,45(6):1136-1140。
  54. 郑克晴,张学军*,田新建,邱利民。直接接触式冰浆生成器的单气泡传热特性,化工学报,2010,61(s2):58-61。
  55. 张学军*,田新建, 郑克晴,邱利民。气体直接接触式制取冰浆实验研究,工程热物理学报,2010,31(12): 1997-2000。


