孔毅,1991年3月生,中共党员,副教授,博士毕业于中国矿业大学信息与控制工程学院。现为中国自动化学会会员、江苏省自动化学会会员。长期从事机器学习、遥感图像智能解译等方面的研究工作。作为项目负责人,主持国家自然科学基金与江苏省自然科学基金各1项;参与多项国家自然科学基金面上项目;出版专著1部,在IEEE GRSL、IEEE JSTARS等期刊发表SCI论文10余篇。
担任International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics审稿人
1. Yi Kong, Xuesong Wang, and Yuhu Cheng. Spectral-spatial feature extraction for HSI classification based on supervised hypergraph and sample expanded CNN[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2018, 11(11): 4128-4140. (SCI: 000452730100017)
2. Yi Kong, Yuhu Cheng, C. L. Philip Chen, and Xuesong Wang. Hyperspectral image clustering based on unsupervised broad learning[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2019, 16(11): 1741-1745. (SCI: 000496226100015)
3. Yi Kong, Xuesong Wang, Yuhu Cheng, and C. L. Philip Chen. Hyperspectral imagery classification based on semi-supervised broad learning system[J]. Remote Sensing, 2018, 10(685): 1-13. (SCI: 000435198400027)
4. Xuesong Wang, Yi Kong, Yang Gao, and Yuhu Cheng. Dimensionality reduction for hyperspectral data based on pairwise constraint discriminative analysis and nonnegative sparse divergence[J]. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2017, 10(4): 1552-1562. (SCI: 000398948400025)
5. Xuesong Wang, Yi Kong, and Yuhu Cheng. Dimensionality reduction for hyperspectral data based on sample-dependent repulsion graph regularized auto-encoder[J]. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2017, 26(6): 1233-1238. (SCI: 000415662500018)
6. Yi Kong, Xuesong Wang, Yuhu Cheng, C. L. Philip Chen. Graph domain adversarial network with dual-weighted pseudo-label loss for hyperspectral image classification[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2022, 19(6005105). (SCI: 000742225800105)
7. Yi Kong, Xuesong Wang, Yuhu Cheng, C. L. Philip Chen. Multi-stage convolutional broad learning with block diagonal constraint for hyperspectral image classification[J]. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13(17):412. (SCI: 000694505100001)
8. Guixin Zhao, Xuesong Wang, Yi Kong, Yuhu Cheng. Spectral-spatial joint classification of hyperspectral image based on broad learning system[J]. Remote Sensing, 13(4): 583. (SCI: 000624412400001)
9. 刘思杰, 张道明, 孔毅. 基于k重均值锚点提取的高光谱图像谱聚类[J]. 中国科技论文, 2021, 16(3): 275-348.
10. 肖白云, 孔毅. 基于注意力生成对抗网络的半监督图像分类[C]. 第31届中国过程控制会议, 2020, 118(1).
11. Xuesong Wang, Ke Jin, Yi Kong, C. L. Philip Chen, Yuhu Cheng. Discriminator-quality evaluation GAN[J]. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, doi:10.1109/TMM.2022.3171084.
12. Yuhu Cheng, Yang Chen, Yi Kong, C. L. Philip Chen, Xuesong Wang. Graph Dual Adversarial Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification[J]. IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, doi: 10.1109/TAI.2022.3177168.
高光谱数据降维. 王雪松, 程玉虎, 孔毅, 高阳. 科学出版社, 2017.