1、项目名称:基于CO2矿化利用固碳的生活源污染土加固机理研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,来源:国家自然科学基金委,直接经费, 直接费用:53.0万元, 2024年01月至 2027年 12月。
3、 项目名称:生活源污染黏性土结构与水理性质演化机理,国家自然科学基金面上项目,来源:国家自然科学基金委,经费:80.0万元,主持人
4、 项目名称:构造煤原位煤层气水平井造穴卸压开发模拟试验系统-课题2,重大仪器研制项目,来源:国家自然科学基金委,经费:87万元,主持人
5、 项目名称:垃圾填埋场“可冲洗式”渗滤液排水层淤堵防治机理,国家自然科学基金面上项目,来源:国家自然科学基金委,经费:42.0万元,主持人
6、 项目名称:生活源污染地基土耐久性评价研究,来源:中央高校基本科研业务费专项,经费:30.0万元,主持人
7、 项目名称:生物气资源化垃圾填埋流体产生及迁移转化过程模拟研究,来源:江苏省自然科学基金委,经费:8.0万元,主持人
8、 项目名称:煤田钻探防漏堵漏技术研究,来源:潞安环能股份有限公司,经费:72.0万元,主持人
1. 论文名称:Determining effective threshold range of image pixel values for municipal waste-contaminated clay. 期刊名称:Applied Sciences,2024,级别:SCI
2. 论文名称:An experimental investigation on the effect of soluble sugar degradation on the of domestic-source-contaminated soil sites formation and evolution.期刊名称: Environmental Pollution,2023,级别:SCI
3. 论文名称:The effect of soluble sugar degradation on the evaporation of compacted clay, 期刊名称:Water,2023,级别:SCI
4. 论文名称:Laboratory study on the application of reciprocating multi-stage reaming drilling for horizontal wells in tectonically deformed coal seams. 期刊名称:Rock Mechanics And Rock Engineering,2023,级别:SCI
5. 论文名称:Rock physical and mechanical properties test and comprehensive evaluation of the Longtan group in Well DH Can 1, Dahebian block, Guizhou Province. 期刊名称:Int. J. Oil, Gas and Coal Technology,2023,级别:SCI
6. 论文名称:Investigation of dynamic response of drilling parameters and deformation characteristics of coal around borehole during multi-stage reaming in tectonic coal. 期刊名称:International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science,2023,SCI
7. 论文名称:Relationships that govern changes in permeability and microstructure of leachate drainage layer under loading, 期刊名称:Indian Geotechnical Journal, 2021,级别:EI
8. 论文名称:Experimental analysis of the mechanical properties and resistivity of tectonic coal samples with different particle sizes. 期刊名称:Energies,2021,级别:SCI
9. 论文名称: An experimental study on preparation of reconstituted tectonic coal samples: optimization of preparation conditions,期刊名称: Energies,2021,级别:SCI
10. 论文名称: A small-scale experimental study of CO2 enhanced injectivity methods of the high-rank coal,期刊名称: Petroleum Science,2021,级别:SCI
11. 论文名称:CBM drilling technical parameter optimization methodology and software development: a case study of LUAN mining area. 期刊名称:Annais of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences,2021,级别:SCI
12. 论文名称:Study on interactive effect of waste seepage and chemical reaction on changes in properties of silty clay. 期刊名称:International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology,2021,级别:SCI
13. 论文名称:Study on the anisotropic permeability in different rank coals under influences of supercritical CO2 adsorption and effective stress and its enlightenment for CO2 enhance coalbed methane recovery. 期刊名称:Fuel,2020,级别:SCI
14. 论文名称:Failure analysis of water-bearing sandstone using acoustic emission and energy dissipation. 期刊名称:Engineering fracture mechanics, 2020, 级别:SCI
15. 论文名称:Infuence of leachate on properties and regions of compacted clay layer: a column experiment. 期刊名称:Soil and Sediment Contaiminantion,2019,级别:SCI
16. 论文名称: Experimental study of permeability changes and its influenceing factors with CO2 injection in coal.期刊名称:Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2019,级别:SCI
17. 论文名称:Anisotropic adsorption swelling and permeability characteristics with injecting CO2 in coals. 刊物名:Energy & Fuels,2018, 级别:SCI
18.论文名称:The adsorption-swelling and permeability characteristics of natural and reconstituted anthracite coals. 刊物名:Energy,2017,级别:SCI
19.论文名称:The evolution and formation mechanisms of closed pores in coal. 刊物名:Fuel, 2017,级别:SCI
20.论文名称:A case study on the effective stimulation techniques practiced in the superposed gas reservoirs of coal-bearing series with multiple thin coal seams in Guizhou, China. 刊物名:Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering,2016,级别:SCI
21. 论文名称:Thermal damage on claystone after exposure to different high temperatures: A Review. 刊物名:Geotechnical Testing Journal,2017,级别:SCI
22.论文名称:Thermal properties of sandstone after treatment at high temperature, 刊物名:International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences, 2016,级别:SCI
23. 论文名称: Correlative research on permeability and microstructure of life source contaminated clay.刊物名:Ⅶ IAEG congress:Engineering Geology for Society,2014,级别:SCI
24.论文名称:Municipal solid waste degradation and landfill gas resources characteristics in self-recirculating sequencing batch bioreactor landfill,刊物名: Journal of Central South University,级别:SCI(000312880400028)、EIand Territory,级别:SCI
25. 论文名称:3D Comprehensive advance exploration and prevention technology of mine water-inrush ,刊物名:Journal of Mines, Metals & Fuels,2014,级别:EI
26. 论文名称:Technology of large section coal roadway supporting based on limit equilibrium method,刊物名:Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering,2014,级别: EI
27. 论文名称:Main roof fracture mechanism of mining-along-gully in thick loess layer area, 刊物名:Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels, 2013,级别:EI
28. 论文名称:Hydrophysical properties of cohesive soils polluted with potassium salts. 刊物名:Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2014.级别:EI
29. 论文名称:Effect of leachate seepage on the compacted clay layer transmissivity.刊物名:Global View of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2013,级别:EI
30.论文名称:Experimental research on geotechnical behaviors of compacted clay influenced by metal cation, 刊物名:The 6th International Conference on Mining Science & Technology ,Procedia Earth and Planetaray Science 1,级别:SCI
31. 论文名称:The influence of the clay’s geotechnical behaviors with the fly ash. 刊物名:2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials.级别:SCI(000310714200034)EI(20122315099434)
32.论文名称:Slope stability evaluation on one waste Sanitary landfill in China,刊物名:Proceeding of the 11th international and 2nd north American symposium on landslide and engineered slope
33.论文名称:Simulation research on pollutant migration in compacted clay layer,刊物名:Environmental Geosciences and Engineering Survey for Territory Protection and Population Safety
34. 论文名称:Application of grey situation decision-making theory in site selection of a waste sanitary landfill. 刊物名:Journal of China University of Mining and Technology (English Edition).级别:EI
35. 论文名称:生活源污染质干湿循环下土体性质演化特征及机理.期刊名称:工程地质学报. 工程地质学报,2022,核心期刊
36. 论文名称:曹妃甸区固化吹填土的固化机理及其工程性质. 期刊名称:西安建筑科技大学学报(自然科学版),2020
37. 论文名称:渗滤液在填埋场土层中运移规律及控制方法研究.期刊名称:黑龙江大学自然科学学报,2019.
38、论文名称:两种应力路径下非饱和污染土强度与微观结构研究. 期刊名称:应用基础与工程科学学报,2019,核心期刊
39. 论文名称:典型生活源污染土性质及演变机理分析. 期刊名称:工业建筑,2019
40. 论文名称:曹妃甸吹填地基土堆载预压-强夯联合加固研究.四川建筑科学研究,2018
41. 论文名称:垃圾填埋场排水层渗透性变化特征实验研究.刊物名:中国矿业大学学报. EI
42. 论文名称:填埋垃圾生物质三相演化过程与控制方法研究,刊物名:中南大学学报(自然科学版),级别:EI
43. 论文名称:生活垃圾污染粘土的微观结构与渗透特性,刊物名:水文地质工程地质
44. 论文名称:碳酸钠污染重塑黏土微观结构的试验研究,刊物名:工业建筑
45. 论文名称:垃圾填埋场衬垫土层水分特征曲线试验研究,刊物名:工程地质学报
46. 论文名称:生活钠铵盐污染对黏性土水理力学性质的影响,刊物名:工业建筑
47. 论文名称:岩土工程勘察方向研究型教学体系的构建与实践,刊物名:煤炭高等教育
48. 论文名称:“工程地质与水文地质”课程教学体系的构建与实施.刊物名:中国地质教育
49. 论文名称: 地质工程专业毕业设计(论文)的教学实践与思考.刊物名:中国地质教育
1.中国发明专利:一种重塑试样材料及试样制备方法,ZL 2020 1 0434018.8,授权公告日:2021年7月30日
2. 中国发明专利:一种污染土样制备与渗透性测试一体化检测装置与方法,ZL 2017 1 1315329.7,授权公告日:2019年11月22日
3.中国发明专利:一种基于射频识别技术的多级变径随钻扩孔钻具及方法,ZL 2018 1 1443692.1,授权公告日: 2024年06月21日
5. 澳大利亚发明专利:System for extracting gas from tectonically-deformed coal seam in-situ by depressurizing horizontal well cavity. Patent number: 2018421311, 授权时间: 5 August 2021
6. 中国发明专利:一种热与化学流体改造储层模拟装置及方法,ZL 202011075380.7,授权公告日:2022年5月3日
7. 中国发明专利:一种构造煤储层水平井钻井及扩孔的钻进模拟装置及方法,ZL 2019 1 0289306.6,授权公告日:2020年6月12日
8. 中国发明专利:一种大口径成井双向往复式钻进三级扩孔钻具及钻孔方法,ZL 2017 1 1332283.X
9. 中国发明专利: 垃圾填埋气液收集疏排装置及其施工工艺.ZL 2006 1 0166464.5
10. 中国专利发明:垃圾填埋场生物气与渗滤液一体化抽排系统. ZL 200610166465.X
11. 中国发明专利:城市生活垃圾地质填埋模拟实验方法及装置. ZL 200610040497.5
12. 中国专发明利:煤的轴向加卸载气体渗透率测试装置.ZL 2011 1 0142331.0
13. 中国发明专利:一种钻孔堵漏系统,ZL 2011 1 0279153.0