姓 名 朱华 性 别
出生年月 1960年5月 籍贯 溧阳
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 中共党员
最后学历 博士研究生 最后学位
技术职称 教授 导师类别 博、硕导
行政职务 Email hzhu@cumt.edu.cn
工作单位 中国矿业大学 邮政编码 221116
通讯地址 江苏徐州大学路1号
单位电话 83591917

朱华,男,工学博士,中国矿业大学机电学院教授、博士生导师、矿山机器人研究所常务副所长、教授委员会委员,中国机械工程学会高级会员,中国自动化学会机器人专业委员会委员,江苏省煤矿机械工业协会常务理事,《机器人技术与应用》和《矿业科学学报》杂志编委。 主要从事机器人技术与应用、救援技术与装备、机械动力学、摩擦学非线性理论、汽车摩擦学等方面的教学和科研工作。主持完成国家自然科学基金项目、国家“863计划”重大项目课题、国家科技支撑计划子课题、教育部博士点基金课题、江苏省自然科学基金项目、江苏省科技支撑计划项目和江苏省人才项目等省部级以上科研项目。承担并完成教育部“211工程”、教育部“985工程”优势学科创新平台和国家重点学科等的学科建设任务。获省、部级科技奖励4项,国家发明专利30件,出版专著3部,发表论文200篇。


1 项目名称:面向煤矿灾害救援机器人研究开发与应用,来源:国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)课题,经费:750万元,主要承担工作:课题负责人

2 项目名称:基于混沌与分形理论的磨损过程动力学行为研究,来源:国家自然科学基金项目,经费:80万元,主要承担工作:项目负责人


1. Hua Zhu, *Xue Zuo, Yuankai Zhou. Recurrence evolvement of brass surface profile in lubricated wear process. Wear. 2016, 352-353: 9-17

2. Zhou YK, *Zhu H, Zuo X. Experimental study on the multifractal evolution of friction temperature. Fractals-complex Geometry Patterns & Scaling in Nature & Society. 2016, 24(1): 1650005

3. Zhou YK, *Zhu H, Zuo X. The behavior of intrinsic randomness and dynamic abrupt changes of friction force signal during the friction process. Journal of Tribology-Transactions of the ASME. 2016, 138(3): 031305

4. Zhou Yuankai, *Zhu Hua, Zuo Xue. Dynamic evolutionary consistency between friction force and friction temperature from the perspective of morphology and structure of phase trajectory. Tribology International. 2016, 94: 606-615

5. Zuo X, *Zhu H, Zhou YK, Ding C. Monofractal and multifractal behavior of worn surface in brass–steel tribosystem under mixed lubricated condition. Tribology International. 2016, 93: 306-317

6. Zuo X, *Zhu H, Zhou YK, Ding C, Sun GD. Development of fractal dimension and characteristic roughness models for turned surface of carbon steels. Fractals-complex Geometry Patterns & Scaling in Nature & Society. 2016, 24(4): 1650042

7. Jiang Y, *Zhu H, Li ZX. A new compound faults detection method for rolling bearings based on empirical wavelet transform and chaotic oscillator. Chaos Solitons & Fractals. 2016, 89: 8-19

8. Gong G, *Zhu H. Development of highly sensitive sensor system for methane utilizing cataluminescence [J]. Luminescence, 2016, 31(1): 183-189

9. Gong G and *Zhu H. A portable embedded explosion gas detection and identification device based on intelligent electronic nose system. Sensor Review. 2016, 36(1): 57-63

10. Li YT, *Zhu H, Li MG, Li P. A novel explosion-proof walking system: Twin dual-motor drive tracked units for coal mine rescue robots. Journal of Central South University. 2016, 23(10): 2570-2577

11. Wang Hongtao, *Zhu Hua, Zhou Yuankai. Experimental study on the friction characteristics of textured steel surface with ring-shaped pits under lubricated sliding conditions . Tribology Transactions. 2015, 58(4): 712-717

12. Zuo Xue, *Zhu Hua, Zhou Yuankai, Li Yan. A new method for calculating the fractal dimension of surface topography. Fractals. 2015, 23(3): 1550022

13. Zhou Yuankai, Li Yan, *Zhu Hua. The three-point sinuosity method for calculating the fractal dimension of machined surface profile. Fractals. 2015: 1550016

14. Zhou Yuankai, *Zhu Hua, Zuo Xue. The nonlinear nature of friction coefficient in lubricated sliding friction. Tribology International. 2015, 88: 8-16

15. Jiang Y, *Zhu H, Li ZX, Peng Z. The nonlinear dynamics response of cracked gear system in a coal cutter taking environmental multi-frequency excitation forces into consideration. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2015, 84(1): 203-222

16. Zhou Yuankai, *Zhu Hua, Zhang Wenqian. Influence of surface roughness on the friction property of textured surface. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2015, 7(2): 758577100

17. Tang Wei, Chen Nanxuan, Zhang Jiankai, Chen Si, Ge Shirong, *Zhu Hua. Characterization of tactile perception and optimal exploration movement. Tribology letters. 2015, 58(2)

18. Zhou YK, *Zhu H, Zuo X. Dynamic evolutionary consistency between friction force and friction temperature from the perspective of morphology and structure of phase trajectory. Tribology International. 2015, 94: 606-615

19. Zuo Xue, *Zhu Hua, Zhou Yuankai. Estimation of fractal dimension and surface roughness based on material characteristics and cutting conditions in the end milling of carbon steels. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture. 2015: 742082365

20. Yuankai Zhou, *Hua Zhu, Xue Zuo, JianhuaYang. Chaotic characteristics of measured temperatures during sliding friction. Wear. 2014 , 317(1-2): 17-25